Virtual TI-89/92(+) Emulator v1.01 Beta
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Virtual TI-89/92(+) Emulator v1.01 Beta
Rusty Wagner (
Windows Utilities
File Size
588,786 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Jan 12 05:17:18 1999
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Review by
Miles Raymond
Reviewed on
Suitability: 8/10 It's excellent for sparing your poor calc from crashes. Ease-Of-Use: 7/10 Exellent interface of bitmaps of the 89/92+ keyboards. Overall: 8/10 Besides being the first emulator for the 89, this is the first emulator that makes you feel like you have your calc right there on your desk.
Virtual TI-89/92+ Emulator is a Windows95 program that emulates (immitates) your TI-89 or TI-92+ on your computer. With an emulator, you can run all of your calculator programs on your PC, without wasting the batteries in your calc.
Besides the fact that VTI68K is still BETA, it has very cool features that other calc owners would be jealous of. VTI68K features clickable bitmaps of the keyboard of the emulated calc, so you won't have to memorize arcane keyboard commands to press the keys. VTI68K also can link directly with your calculator via a TI-GL (GraphLink cable).
Although VTI68K has all these good points, it's hard to look at it and find no help file to let you know how do do certain things. Also, along with the feature of linking directly with the calculator, you are able to send (not receive) files from the computer to the emulated calculator. It's a pain to have to send your files first to your calculator and switch to the TI-GL software to put it back onto your PC. Another bad thing is that there is no built-in ungrouping function when sending files to the emulated calculator. Although this is not a necessity, it would be helpful to those who use the emulator for more than just assembly testing.
The VTI68K is a great utility, and I recommend it to anyone who delvelops in assembly for the 89 or 92+. I also recommend this emulator to those of you without 89s but are considering buying one. With this emulator, you can get comfortable with the calculator before you actually buy it. |
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