Yoshi v1.0
Ranked as 3575 on our all-time top downloads list with 8292 downloads. Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Addictive puzzler. Controls: 7/10 It really would look better to see the monsters fall, instead of sliding sideways. Implementation: 9/10 Pretty faithful clone. Overall: 8/10 HELLO YOSHI!!
Yoshi, the dinosaur star of Super Mario World, is, along with the Evil Purple Demon, one of the few dinosaurs to escape extinction. This has been aided through the natural selection of genes such as just being plain cuter than a T-Rex.
The puzzle game Yoshi, originally made for the NES, involves various enemies from Mario games falling mysteriously from the sky in Tetris tradition, into stacks which Mario frantically balances below. Rotating these trays allows him to line up enemies of the same type and make them vanish. Sounds easy, huh? Well, that doesn't score you a whole lot of points. The real purpose of the game is to stack as many as possible between two halves of a Yoshi egg, which then hatch into a Yoshi.
The graphics and gameplay of this version are basically the same, although the monsters manage to somehow fall sideways. (Newtonian physics? Who needs it?) Mario is absent from the bottom of the screen, replaced by a couple of arrows, and worst of all, you don't get to see your egg hatch into a Yoshi.
Still, like most puzzle games, it manages to become quite addictive. And it's small, so go on and try it out. |
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