Light v1.0
Ranked as 3137 on our all-time top downloads list with 8865 downloads.
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Average for a puzzle game. Controls: 7/10 Ideally, 2nd would activate instead of enter. Implementation: 9/10 Similar to versions available on the computer. Overall: 8/10 A good puzzle game.
Light! with Sound is yet another puzzle game by Alban Gervaise (a.k.a. Endive). The objective is to turn on all the lights, and hitting enter on any specific square in the 5x5 grid will reverse the 9 lights around it. Corners only change 4, and walls only change 6 (you'll know what I mean when you play it).
For those of you with 3.55->2.55 mm adapters so you can plug in your headphones, this game will give you a pleasant treat. The sound effects are the best I've ever heard for any calculator game. It might even be worth buying an adapter just to try it on this game.
In terms of a challenge, this game is fairly average. It starts off quite confusing, but eventually you get the hang of it. At this point, I can finish a game in under a minute.
Anybody who likes puzzles will definitely enjoy this addition to Endive's numerous puzzles. |
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