[5 levels] Armageddon Levels
Ranked as 13600 on our all-time top downloads list with 3881 downloads. Ranked as 32297 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
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Attention span: 8/10 Good, challenging design. Controls: 8/10 Same as all mario levels. Implementation: 8/10 Very nice. Overall: 8/10 Must play.
There are few level sets out there that can match the design of the Armageddon Levels set. I will start off by saying that this level set will be somewhat difficult for most players, but this is what makes this level set so great. While there are other level sets that are difficult, it seems like they are impossible to finish. Should I ever find a level set that cannot be finished, rest assured that I will say some very bad things about it, but enough about that. This small 5 level set offers a design and challenge that most levels do not offer. Its difficulty is very high, and its replay value is higher than other level sets. This level set is very frustrating at times, but it is designed in order to make the player keep trying at it.
In short, the Armageddon Levels set is a very good level set that everyone should try. The design is wonderfully done and the replay value is up there with the very best levels. While the difficulty may be a but high for those that are not very well versed on techniques on how to skillfully move around in Mario levels, everyone has a good chance of enjoying this level set if they give it an open mind and enough time to it. |
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