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MattPong v2.1


Ranked as 3044 on our all-time top downloads list with 8987 downloads.

Filename mattpong.zip (Download)
Title MattPong v2.1
Description Play against the computer or another player. You can also adjust the speeds in the setup screen.
Author Matt Teiken (bbxx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 2,220 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Nov 29 23:44:25 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Dave Cobb
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 5/10 Cheating calculator will annoy you.
Controls: 8/10 Nothing wrong here.
Implementation: 2/10 Very buggy.
Overall: 4/10 Too many flaws.

Okay, you walk into a big party; all of the guests are different Pong games. You look around and see all of the various versions really enjoying themselves. Ping-Pong is, as usual, passed out in the punch. There is one lonely game in the corner that catches your eye. That’s where this game comes in, MattPong, the loser standing in the corner with the "Hello: my name is Matt" sticker on its soiled T-shirt.

This game isn’t really that bad, it just makes for a good opening :) However, the quality of this version of Pong is below the numerous others for the 86. Let’s get the bad things out of the way shall we? Probably the thing that stands out most is that the calculator cheats. The paddle's y-axis is the exact same as the balls' y-axis. The paddle follows the ball exactly, thus it’s impossible to score. Another problem is the lack of options. There are no difficulty settings (just impossible) and the only options are to change speeds. Using a very poor interface, you must change each speed (ball-x speed, ball-y speed, etc…) separately. Most users will not know what any of these settings mean; a single over-all speed change would have been much better. Miscellaneous problems include random freezing, small paddles, and the ball sometimes goes through the paddles. There are some plus sides. This has the largest ball of the pong games (most others have a "ball" consisting of only 4 or 5 pixels.) The game is also very small. Although the exiting is buggy, the controls are good, and it has 1 or 2 player modes.

I’ve talked too much so I’ll just sum it up by saying that this is a highly flawed game and that one would do better with another version.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
mattpong2.86p   2842
MattPong.txt   271

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