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Arknoid v1.0


Ranked as 618 on our all-time top downloads list with 23042 downloads.
Ranked as 17066 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename arknoid.zip (Download)
Title Arknoid v1.0
Description Hit the ball on the screen with the paddle and try to knock down all the blocks. There are 9 different levels.
Author Mike Ingoldby (Zerkman@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Arcade/Pong, Pinball)
File Size 2,542 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Oct 6 03:37:27 1998
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Ben Kimmett
Reviewed on 2007-02-02
Arkanoid 1.0 is a simple breakout game. I think it is a nice (and slow) little game, but could use more to it.

Gameplay: 5/10

Basically, the game strips it down to a paddle, some blocks, and a ball. While I did find this fun at first, it quickly got boring after the first level.

Graphics: 6/10

The graphics were OK. When you're making BASIC games you can get away with a lot more. I liked the "block" graphic, in how it appeared 3D-ish, and the big logo text "ARKNOID".

Speed: 3/10

This may be one of the reasons I got bored. While the game does appear to run fast at first, the maneuver of trying to place the paddle where the ball will be when you can't see where the ball's going got old.

Replayability: 2/10

The game is the same every time. Nothing changes. I didn't MIND this at first, but it quickly got boring. Not even the images of the blocks changed.

Style: 6/10

The game did look kind of cool. One of the things that was really good was the animated opening screen, as well as the big logo text "ARKNOID".

Ease of Use: 8/10

The game was VERY easy to use, if you don't count the speed issues. Arrow keys for controls, Apps pauses, Esc quits. It couldn't be much simpler and I had no trouble understanding how to play.

Gut Intuition: 3/10

This game appeared pretty promising when I say the intro screen and the fast speed at which the game appeared to go. However, the fact that I couldn't see too well where the ball was going (resulting in my losing it twice), as well as the fact that I eventually started seeing the speed as too slow, leads me to suggest that you download it, play it once or twice, and then get rid of it.

FINAL SCORE: 4.71421857/10

If I had to say what could be done to make this game better, I would say:

1) Make it faster!

2) Add more variety. How about a black block that can't be broken?

Other than that, you've got nothing to worry about!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
arknoid.89g   4227
arknoid.txt   983

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