RacerX v1.0
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racerx86.zip (Download)
RacerX v1.0
This is an unfinished racing game that I wrote during high school. I never finished it and thought I should release the source... so here it is.
Bryan Thomas (brt80@hotmail.com)
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
10,294 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Nov 29 06:58:00 2005
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Attention span: 2/10 You'll go out of your mind with boredome in under a minute. Controls: 3/10 You can't turn correctly! Implementation: 2/10 There's no point to playing because there's no score, no timing, and it doesn't even know where you are on the track (if you are). Overall: 3/10 Find something else like ZKart3D if you want a racing game, because this just plain sucks.
Racerx86 is a beta release of a racing game. It was made by Thomas B. The objective is to steer your car around the track, while avoiding crashing into the sides.
This game is appropriately called beta. In this version, there is absolutely no track detection, which means you can drive wherever you want on the one built in track and it will make no difference. If you turn, you'll do a 360 in less than a second, which makes small turns, the types necessary for going around bends, impossible. And if you go off one side of the screen, you just pop up right on the other side. If you actually manage to maneuver through the curvy course, the game does what anybody would expect it to do: nothing. That's right, you just keep going with no feedback from the game. Plus, since the display routine was done badly, when the car goes off the track, a white box around it covers up the background.
I can't recommend this game to anyone in its current condition. Maybe if the display, controls, and track detection were done half-way decently, this would be fun, but right now it's worthless. Don't bother. |
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Archive Contents
racerx86/.DS_Store | 6148 |
__MACOSX/racerx86/._.DS_Store | 82 |
racerx86/RACERX86.86P | 5118 |
racerx86/RACERX86.ASM | 37544 |
__MACOSX/racerx86/._RACERX86.ASM | 82 |
racerx86/Racerx86.txt | 321 |