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Missle Command V1.0


Ranked as 1205 on our all-time top downloads list with 15050 downloads.
Ranked as 2813 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename missle.zip (Download)
Title Missle Command V1.0
Description no game updates... source code released
Author Bryan Thomas (brt80@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 6,817 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Nov 29 06:58:35 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  JV
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Attention span: 1/10 Completely worthless.
Controls: 2/10 Game controls do not work.
Implementation: 1/10 Unplayable.
Overall: 1/10 Look for a better game.

Missle Command is a completely worthless game that one should not bother even looking at. I found this game to be completely unplayable in three different shells and an emulator. The tittle screen is completely messed up, and the only functions in the game that work are the contrast changer, the key setup, and the exit option. The gameplay is completely nonexistent (since it obviously doesn't work) and graphics seem barren. I do not even know if this game is even supposed to work due to the lack of any sort of documentation. I try to be fair to all the games I review, but this game does not deserve to be on anyone's calculator for any length of time. As far as I could tell, this game is only useful as a 1.8k contrast changer. I can not and will not recommend this to anyone. I do not care if you have all the time in the world to try to make it work. In short, Missle Command has bland graphics which are completely unappealing and sub par. The gameplay is completely non-existent. This completely depletes any replay value which makes this game worthless.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
missle/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/missle/._.DS_Store   82
missle/MISSLE.86P   1950
missle/missle.asm   18237
missle/missle.txt   236
__MACOSX/missle/._missle.txt   82

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