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[1 level] Bowser's Lair


Ranked as 17250 on our all-time top downloads list with 3268 downloads.

Filename lair.zip (Download)
Title [1 level] Bowser's Lair
Description One level for Super Mario 86.
Author Lorn Miller (FlaBlader@aol.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Game Levels (Super Mario)
File Size 313 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Sep 16 04:16:59 1998
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  JV
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Attention span: 5/10 Gets old very fast.
Controls: 8/10 Same as any other Mario level.
Implementation: 6/10 Design not good.
Overall: 6/10 Look further.

There is not much to say about this level. Yes, it is only one level. It is probably the simplest level that anyone will encounter. There is not way to lose all your lives in this level. This level is probably one of the most uninspired levels I have ever seen, but also one of the most helpful for some players. Yes, this level made made up entirely of Bowser, a one-up, a mushroom, a brick floor, and you. The point of the level: have Bowser plunge into his death. How to accomplish this: avoid colliding with Bowser and try not to fall through the holes in the floor. Sound easy enough? Well, it is. But some players are not as skilled as others, and this is the crowd that this level is aimed at. There are many level sets that have Bowser as the final challenge, and out of these levels, I would say around two thirds of these use the "have Bowser fall into his death" method as the method to finish the level. Some players will find that it might be hard for them to figure out how to effectively beat Bowser, and this level will help them. This level will also help those who need to brush up on their technique after not playing Mario for a while.

In short, this level is not very useful except for those who need help perfecting their technique on how to beat Bowser. The replay value depends on how good/bad your technique is, and how fast you perfect it or brush it up. I found that once I beat Bowser three times in a row with out even trying that it was time that I moved on to another level. While the design of this level is not even good, some will find this level useful, but I think the majority to players out there do not need this level at all.


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LAIR.86S   208

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