[Usgard 1.0+] Golf v1.21
Ranked as 7081 on our all-time top downloads list with 5939 downloads. Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 1/10 Golf on TV is more fun than this game. Controls: 2/10 Besides ENTER, I can't think of any. Implementation: 2/10 9 unique holes Overall: 1/10 A waste of 5000 bytes of calculator space.
We all know about golf, aka "Tiger's Game," and this is not it. Basically, you're just a little animated man on the screen holding a golf club. A timer determines where your ball ends up, and putting seems completely random. It does have a few nice features, like 9 unique holes with real hazards like out-of-bounds and sand bunkers. You can change your club(although you are not allowed anything lower than a 5 iron). The graphical layouts of each hole are well drawn, but they don't indicate where you are on the hole. Now, I know there are not that many ASM sports games, but even so this game is not worth a download. Frankly, I've played a better TI-82 BASIC golf game than this ASM game. |
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