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Periodic Table v1.0


Ranked as 8634 on our all-time top downloads list with 5244 downloads.
Ranked as 22989 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename ptable.zip (Download)
Title Periodic Table v1.0
Description A Periodic Table
Author Francis Colas (fcolas@yahoo.com)
Category TI-85 Assembly Science Programs (ZShell)
File Size 19,681 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 4 00:54:19 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Philip Rodning
Reviewed on 2007-09-18

Good interface, but the readme wasn't very descriptive, so I had to press every button on the calc to find out how to scroll (it's MORE). I also think that "*** Element ***" could be replaced with the name of the element, and the extra space could be used to list boiling/melting points. I also tried a TI-86 periodic table, and it showed the whole table, but no symbols. Not very good if you're looking for an element and you don't know where it is :P. I like this way a lot better. Then again, this program was released 9 years ago, so what's the point in making suggestions? Maybe I'll do it when I learn ASM...


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   621
PTable1f.doc   1594
PTable1e.doc   1446
PTABLE1E.85S   5416
PTABLE1E.ASM   26732
PTABLE1F.ASM   26763
PTABLE1F.85S   5406

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