Mario92 v2.0
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Mario92 v2.0
A mario clone game that features game saving/loading, external levels, and a map editor. Required libraries: flib, hexlib.
Thomas Corvazier (
TI-92 Assembly Games (Fargo II)
File Size
104,870 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Oct 4 17:39:52 1998
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Nature Leseul
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Level editor and levels of varying difficulty provide challenge, but the basic style of gameplay remains fairly constant. Controls: 8/10 Fairly simple for gameplay, but menu system and inability to hit Esc to exit are difficult. Implementation: 6/10 Well-done, yet not as true to the original as it perhaps could be. Overall: 9/10 Great graphics, great motion, great game.
Mario92 is a fairly faithful clone of the classic Nintendo Super Mario games. It has taken elements from the classic Mario 1 and 2 and even a few things from Super Mario World and mixed them to produce a seemingly unique experience in classic Mario gaming.
The graphics are excellently done, despite not utilizing grayscale libraries. Many of the sprites are converted directly from the original games, with some new background tiles drawn. The resolution of the graphics is clear enough that there is rarely any question of what something is; you never have to stare at something and wonder if it's a mushroom or a goomba. There are a few minor bugs in collision detection, but nothing serious.
Although the jump-and-stomp style of the classic games is preserved, it lacks some elements of them. There are no coins collected for extra lives, no points for stomping monsters, and the only power-up is the 1-up mushroom. The only "?" blocks in sight are in a secret room in the first level which I have yet to be able to access. In fact, the game sometimes seems more akin to Sqrxz or Penguins than Mario. This is not truly a negative point, but it still would be good to see a "true" Mario clone.
The game comes packaged with the default levels, which are difficult enough to keep the player occupied for a while. After that, there is a level editor packaged with it as well, allowing you to create and exchange new levels.
Unfortunately, the game engine itself takes up nearly 17000 bytes, and the default levels take up an additonal 8000. It also requires 8K of free memory, and still crashed for me while I had some other memory occupied, so you may not be able to have anything else on your calculator while you play this game. Fortunately, the game is good enough to not require you to want anything else. |
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