Star Chaser 86 ASM v1.0 Release 3
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Attention span: 8/10 Random levels help replay value. Controls: 9/10 Natural controls, no problems here. Implementation: 8/10 No noticible bugs, good interface. Overall: 8/10 Very good game.
Star Chaser is an ASM game where the player must steer a ship safely through a asteroid field and try to collect the stars that are spread throughout the course. Collecting the stars will give you extra points at the end of a mission, but they are not necessary for completion of a mission. Finishing a mission quickly will also give you extra points at the end of it. The mission maps are generated randomly, so each play experience can seem different at times. Since the missions are randomly generated, there may be times when the player cannot go through a mission without crashing into an asteroid. This may be an hindrance at times, but the player will most likely not mind due to the fact that it would take away the challenge from the game. As for challenge, the player is given five tries at unsuccessful missions. When the player either runs out of time in a mission, or crashes into a asteroid, the mission is considered unsuccessful and the player moves on to the next random mission. The graphics in this game simple, but do the job efficiently. All of the asteroids look the same, and all of the stars that the player must try to collect are look the same. The asteroids and the star do not even remotely look similar, so there will be no mistake in confusing them. The game has much replay value, but the amount of it depends on how much you enjoy this game while first playing it. After a month of playing this game, I have enjoyed it much. I will keep this game in my calculator for as long as I can. Other persons which have played this game (mostly the one's that borrow my calc) have enjoyed it also. I think it is safe to say that persons that are new to calculator gaming (I am not one of them, just in case you're wondering) will enjoy this game more than those who have been playing for a longer time. This game seem original enough, but I am sure that there is a game that is similar to it but I have not yet found it.
In short, Star Chaser is one of those games that many will enjoy. The random levels adds much to replay value. The graphics are not excellent, but they are sufficient and do the job quite nicely. The controls never feel odd or out of place in the game, and the interface is simple but done nicely. The inclusion (maybe accidental) of a contrast changer in all of the screens (you have to pause while in the gameplay screen) is quite welcomed and is helpful when one's batteries are weak and jump from level to level. All in all, in the end, this is a very enjoyable game which all of you reading this should try at least once. It may be a simple concept, but tetris is simple (at its base), and it is very enjoyable. |
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