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Ranked as 2463 on our all-time top downloads list with 10017 downloads.

Filename aim.zip (Download)
Title Aim!
Description A game where you try and aim for the center of a brick. Features a high score.
Author Zach Schoen (bandito@chez.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 1,408 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 25 17:05:12 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  JV
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Attention span: 4/10 There was nothing to keep me from paying attention to this game.
Controls: 10/10 For a game that uses two, this isn't much...
Implementation: 6/10 Error 13 kept me from answering this question.
Overall: 6/10 Nice try at such gameplay, but it isn't enough.

Aim! is an extremely simple game were the player is to very timely and accurately press the 2nd key to stop a line from moving past a target box. The player is to repeat this action a second time as a vertical line now moves toward the target box. This game is based on the Three Point Shoot-out gameplay technique.

Aim! is a fairly small game, only around 800 bytes, and is a very good time waster. The graphics are virtually non-existent, the challange is somewhat irrelevant, and the game does not get harder as the game progresses. One is likely to encounter the hardest target to hit as his first target than as the last target he sees before he dies. Also, you are given only one "life" to use for the game, mess up once, and you will have no chance to retry.

In conclusion, I found this game not worth any challange. The replay value was almost non-existent, and the graphics were not anything that will inspire awe. I found that while I was reviewing this game, I wanted to take it off of my 86 before I finished throughtly testing it, but I gave this game its fair chance like the rest of the games I review.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
aim.86p   881
readme.txt   677

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