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A game where you must center your 3x3 block over dots and smack them. You must smack all of the 50 randomly placed dots on the screen. Features a high score.
Zach Schoen (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
1,295 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Aug 25 17:04:24 1998
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 Only good for a couple of days. Controls: 9/10 Very natural controls. Implementation: 8/10 Bug free, nice implementation. Overall: 7/10 Very good game.
Smack is an extremely simple game where the player must place the middle of a 3x3 pixel square into a pixel press the 2nd key to remove it from the screen. Continue this process until you have removed all 50 dots and you are done. Sound boring right? Well, it is in a way, but this game is fun at first. Its simple design makes this game smooth, and its ability to save the best times makes this game fun for a while. When the player first plays this game, it may seem tedious to control and center the box, but after a couple of tries, the player is able to be comfortable with it and is able to increase their score continually. After a few days of playing, this game can get repetitive to some players. While the pixels are drawn randomly on the screen, the game will get old for all players at one point or another.
While this game is simple and fun at the beginning, it is not a keeper by any means. While this game is small in size, when the player is tired with it, it will easily be replaceable by a Super Mario 86 level of that size. The controls in this game are simple, and will be natural to the player. The inclusion of a pause feature is very welcomed, and a undocumented unsupported contrast changer is also a plus, but the player will have to find it for themselves since it is not documented. As far as I could see with my time is this game, there where no bugs to be found, and it seems like the program is well written. As for originality, the game seems original to me, but I may be wrong. Original or not, this game is very fun at the beginning, but it will get old eventually.
Also, some players may argue with me about this game being fun, but we are all entitled to different opinions, so some may not see this game as fun in the first place, while others will. Players may be turned off from this game due to its lack of glitter and its simplicity, but for those that can look through this, will find a very fun game at its heart. In short, Smack is a fun game at the beginning, but the fun will wear off not so shortly afterward. The inclusion of a high score keeper is welcomed, as it allows you to compare with your friend which one of you has better eye-hand coordination. |
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