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A game where you must move your paddle and try to catch the falling blocks. If you hold down the gas while moving, your paddle moves faster. Features a high score.
Zach Schoen (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
1,449 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Aug 25 17:33:42 1998
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Review by
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Attention span: 6/10 Too slow. Controls: 3/10 Un-natural controls. Implementation: 4/10 Not original. Overall: 4/10 Look elsewhere.
Catch! is a simple game where the player must move a paddle across the screen in order to catch the falling "bricks". The graphics are simple in this game, in fact, so simple that the "brick" that you have to catch looks more like a square box. But a game shouldn't be about graphics, it should be about gameplay. The gameplay in this game is very simple. Throughout the whole game, the player is to catch the falling box ,as I shall call it since it doesn't look like a brick, with a paddle moving at an extremely slow speed. The strategy in the game is to use the "gas" as little as possible in order to get to the box to catch it. Since the paddle moves so slow, players may find themselves using the gas more than they would like to. Sometimes it may be possible to catch the block with out the use of the gas, but these are the exception and not the rule. The controls of this game are a bit awkward at best. One would expect to move the paddle with the arrow keys, but for some evil and devious reason (ok, maybe not evil, or devious, but weird, nonetheless) the player is to move the paddle to the left with the F4 key and right with the F5 key. The player is also expected to apply the gas by using the F1 key. Since there are no in-game instructions, a player who does not have access to the readme file or one who has not bothered to read it, will be in the dark about this game for a while. As for bugs in this game, there where none that I noticed when I played it. As for the originality of this game, it seems original on most parts. But there is a game that I have played before that has the same type of gameplay that involves catching falling objects. It is Boom!; (the third game I have reviewed that ends with a factorial (a "!" for those of you who are not related to the term)) a game that is fast paced and a bit more fun than this game.
In short, Catch! is a game that is a bit slow for my preferences and has awkward controls. The graphics are simple and should not be that simple for a game that works so slowly. The replay value is determined by how many times you want to beat the high score that is kept track of. The originality of this game is also questionable. There are better, faster paced games out there that are worth a try than this game. In short, Catch! is a game that is not very fun or will last very long on your calculator. |
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