Cave In
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Cave In
A small game where you must move left or right to dodge the falling boulders. Three difficulty levels.
Ryan Watt (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
2,061 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Jul 22 22:30:01 1998
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Review by
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Attention span: 1/10 Not worth anyone's time. Controls: 6/10 Unresponsive at times. Implementation: 1/10 Not original, some bugs. Overall: 1/10 Look elsewhere.
cAvE iN is an eerily similar game to Avalanch 86z that I reviewed not to long ago. But, instead of having icicles fall at you, you have boulders coming down onto you. So much for originality. Like Avalanch, cAvE iN is a very horrid game. The graphics are just plain terrible, the controls are unforgiving, and the gameplay is non existent. There are three difficulty levels, but these are irrelevant, since the increasing the difficulty only decreases the amount of time that the player has to move across the screen. Should you happen to get hit by the same boulder in the "extra hard" setting as you got hit in the "easy", you would score the same amount of points. But how many points you score in this game does not matter. Since the game does not keep a high score, you have nothing to prove that you are better at this game than others without doing nothing short of taking screen shot of your high score. Another thing about this game that is bad is that there seems to be no second level. Although I could be wrong, I have never been able to get past all the boulders without having one crush me. Another anomaly about this game was that in the "extra hard" level setting, I could be able to get crushed by a certain boulder and still be able to move as though it had never touched me. This small bug was not helpful nonetheless, since right above the "ghost" boulder that had just passed right through me was a very solid and real boulder that manages to crush me every time. This game is a perfect example on how not to release a game. There is no excuse for this game to be posted anywhere and there is no excuse for me having this game in my calculator for a whole month trying to find something good in it.
In short, cAvE iN is a really bad game to say the least. You will be sorry you ever loaded this game onto your calc. The attention span for this game is extremely low. There is no replay value whatsoever. Although the controls are natural, they feel unresponsive. The game is not original by any means, but this isn't exactly the exciting type of game to play in the first place. The closest game that is actually good that seems like this game is Frogger. All in all, avoid this game like the plague unless you want to see how a game is not supposed to be released. |
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