SIM Community v2.21
Ranked as 426 on our all-time top downloads list with 29102 downloads. Ranked as 292 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.18.
Review by
Joe Stegner
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 Being mayor is fun. Controls: 8/10 Hard to learn, but responsive. Implementation: 10/10 Professional look. Overall: 10/10 A constant on my calculator.
Ever sit in math class, dreaming of the day when you would be mayor of your own city, CITIZENS FEARING YOUR EVERY MOVE, THE ABILITY TO CONTROL DISASTERS, AND STATUES BUILT IN YOUR HONOR FOR RUNNING THE TOWN SO WELL!!?!?!?!??
No? Well, maybe that isn't the healthiest attitudes in the first place, but Sim Community 2k is a pretty spiffy program, even if you do not have the above-mentioned qualities...
For those of you who don't know, Sim Community 2k is a clone of the ever-popular Sim City 2k, and for those of you who still don't know, Sim Community 2k is a game in which the objective is to run your own city as best as you can. You go about this by starting with some mula, building and zoning, providing services like electricity, police, fire stations, et cetera, and taxing the people in hopes of raising enough money to (you guessed it) build the city even bigger!
There are some rules to the game, however. As logic would state, high taxes drive away your ciTIzens (get it, ci-TI-zens?), and the residents only move into homes that follow some rules (too complicated to explain here, read the readme file for more info). If you don't provide electricity, nobody will want to move in either. And then there are those darn disasters....
Now, this isn't the game for someone looking for a quick-fix (people looking for action, like falldown or tunnel). This is for the person who likes to create, or wants a game that can give them hours of enjoyment.
Downsides? Those who don't want to spend about 5-10 minutes building their city won't feel as satisfied as some others. Also, the controls are a tad hard to control, and guessing on how to use them leads to you banging the clear button in frustration.
Upsides? The ability to create and control a virtual (and portable) city to your will, bringing you hours of entertainment. |
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