[Usgard 1.5+] Tunnels v6.1
Ranked as 3590 on our all-time top downloads list with 8306 downloads. Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Matt Peresie
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 Game play is a little fast Controls: 9/10 Controls are excellent Implementation: 8/10 Good game, nice setup Overall: 8/10 Definitely one to check out
If you have ever played Z-Kart, Tunnels will be right up your alley. This game is your basic racing game. You are a little triangle trying to stay on the track. Unlike Z-Kart this game keeps track of time not points. The high scores table has eight places. Which I think is a very good feature.
The only drawback to this game is that it only has one speed and that is very fast. The track flys by. I sometimes have trouble staying on for more than a second. I think that this game could be improved with added speed settings. Other than that one draw back I still think that this game is akeeper. |
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