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BattleQuest v1.0 Demo


Ranked as 9685 on our all-time top downloads list with 4869 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename battleq.zip (Download)
Title BattleQuest v1.0 Demo
Author Nate Hicks (runfreak@geocities.com)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (Ash)
File Size 5,865 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 2 02:40:11 1998
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Sam Heald
Reviewed on 2004-10-28
Attention span: 6/10 You'll explore the 3-D world for probably 20-30 minutes
Controls: 4/10 Bad
Implementation: 9/10 Cool graphics and concept
Overall: 8/10 Cool demo, nothing more

Doom meets Final Fantasy. A very cool combination. Too bad the author(Nate Hicks) apparently is no longer working on this game.

Despite being only a demo, this is very cool. You move around in a 3-D Doom perspective. tTen when you encounter an enemy, you fight in a graphical Final Fantasy-based menu combat battle. The graphics are very well done.

This is only a demo, though. There is no plot, and only 2 places to go. There is a town, which is more like a laborynth with no people. Then there is a forest with monsters to fight. To guide your way, all you have is a compass.

My only complaint with this demo is that the controls suck in some places. While fighting, down works but not up when you are selecting your action. When you want to exit, you have to press Y=.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   562
Battleq.82p   11466

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