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Source Code to CalcEm v0.51 (MS Visual C++ 6.0)


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Filename calcemsrc.zip (Download)
Title Source Code to CalcEm v0.51 (MS Visual C++ 6.0)
Description Ms Visual C++ 6.0
Author David Eriksson (david@2good.com)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 147,966 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 12 05:25:49 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AboutDlg.cpp   2543
AboutDlg.h   2430
asmwnd.cpp   7368
asmwnd.h   2804
CalcEm.aps   56672
CalcEm.clw   5771
CalcEm.cpp   3185
CalcEm.dsp   7476
CalcEm.dsw   535
CalcEm.h   2686
CalcEm.opt   49664
CalcEm.rc   13633
CalcEm.txt   5380
CalcEmSrc.txt   3931
Calculator.cpp   10719
Calculator.h   3820
Codes.h   13533
CodesCB.h   11444
CodesED.h   6717
CodesXCB.h   3593
CodesXX.h   14701
Debug.c   21792
Emulator.cpp   10580
Emulator.h   1475
FloatWnd.cpp   2457
FloatWnd.h   2585
HexEdit.cpp   13988
HexEdit.h   3653
KeyboardWnd.cpp   2112
KeyboardWnd.h   2495
license.txt   18007
link.cpp   6472
link.h   1439
LinkPort.cpp   6152
LinkPort.h   2190
MainWnd.cpp   22511
MainWnd.h   4308
MaxiCalculator.cpp   1810
MaxiCalculator.h   1822
MemoryDbgWnd.cpp   3381
MemoryDbgWnd.h   2658
MiniCalculator.cpp   11093
MiniCalculator.h   2408
RegistersDbgWnd.cpp   3574
RegistersDbgWnd.h   2663
RegsDlg.cpp   4786
RegsDlg.h   2565
res/2good.ico   1078
res/calcem.bmp   6702
res/CalcEm.ico   1078
res/CalcEm.rc2   398
res/Kopia av toolbar1.bmp   3062
res/toolbar1.bmp   3062
res/toolbar1.bmp-x   246
resource.h   4745
ScreenWnd.cpp   5731
ScreenWnd.h   2538
Scroltip.cpp   8552
StdAfx.cpp   1649
StdAfx.h   2311
Tables.h   5391
Ti82.cpp   13736
Ti82.h   2357
Ti83.cpp   13894
Ti83.h   2312
Z80.c   19485
Z80.h   6043

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