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xFiles CE: A file manager for the 84+CE


Ranked as 38482 on our all-time top downloads list with 418 downloads.
Ranked as 3864 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename xfilesce.zip (Download)
Title xFiles CE: A file manager for the 84+CE
Description A new and improved version of your favorite file manager has been created, better than ever before. Full of new features and capabilities, xFiles CE will make your experience better with a fancy GUI, all possible by the amazing work of RoccoLox Programs' work of Celtic CE. Version 1.02 is included in this version, with bug fixes and other tweaks. This version contains the SPD update and Celtic CE 1.2 Beta commands!
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 2,352,525 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 3 22:11:48 2023
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
xFiles CE/Documentation/Changelog.txt   3408
xFiles CE/Documentation/Warnings.txt   1395
xFiles CE/Documentation/xFiles CE Read Me.txt   2793
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/Fast Copy.8xp   516
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/Font File.8xp   14210
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/Instructions.txt   1362
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/Lowercase On.8xp   83
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/TI-84 Font.8Xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/xFiles Update.8xp   4769
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/CEmu users/XFUPD.8xp   34903
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/Physical Hardware users/Font File.8xp   14210
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/Physical Hardware users/TI-84 Font.8Xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/Physical Hardware users/Update File.8xv   34902
xFiles CE/Files/0.95/Physical Hardware users/xFiles Update.8xp   4769
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/Fast Copy.8xp   516
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/Font File.8xp   14210
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/Instructions.txt   1362
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/Lowercase On.8xp   83
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/TI-84+ Font.8xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/xFiles Update.8xp   4747
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/CEmu users/XFUPD.8xp   34953
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/Physical Hardware users/Font File.8xp   14210
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/Physical Hardware users/TI-84+ Font.8xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/Physical Hardware users/Update File.8xv   34953
xFiles CE/Files/0.96/Physical Hardware users/xFiles Update.8xp   4747
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/CEmu users/Fast Install.8xp   262
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/CEmu users/Font File.8xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/CEmu users/Instructions.txt   940
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/CEmu users/xFiles Update.8xp   4793
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/CEmu users/XFUPD.8xp   35222
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/Physical Hardware users/Font File.8xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/Physical Hardware users/Update File.8xv   35222
xFiles CE/Files/0.97/Physical Hardware users/xFiles Update.8xp   4793
xFiles CE/Files/0.98/Skipped.txt   212
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/CEmu users/Fast Install.8xp   262
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/CEmu users/Font File.8Xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/CEmu users/Instructions.txt   940
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/CEmu users/xFiles Update.8Xp   4793
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/CEmu users/XFUPD.8Xp   32119
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/Physical Hardware users/Font File.8Xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/Physical Hardware users/Update File.8Xv   32119
xFiles CE/Files/1.00/Physical Hardware users/xFiles Update.8Xp   4793
xFiles CE/Files/1.02/xFiles CE Lite Font.8Xp   13892
xFiles CE/Files/1.02/xFiles CE.8Xp   34871
xFiles CE/Other/Celtic CE/Celtic CE.8Xp   18784
xFiles CE/Other/Fast Copy.8xp   516
xFiles CE/Other/Lowercase On.8xp   83
xFiles CE/Other/Unsupported/TI-84+ Font.8xp   13892
xFiles CE/Screenshots/1.02/Loading.gif   1050
xFiles CE/Screenshots/1.02/Lock.gif   1095
xFiles CE/Screenshots/1.02/Main Menu.gif   2494
xFiles CE/Screenshots/1.02/New Dialog.gif   4151
xFiles CE/Screenshots/Demo 0.95.gif   419547
xFiles CE/Screenshots/Demo 1.00.gif   2799982

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