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Elimination: An ASM Sci-Fantasy RPG (84+ CE)


Ranked as 38266 on our all-time top downloads list with 552 downloads.
Ranked as 3174 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename elimination84ce.zip (Download)
Title Elimination: An ASM Sci-Fantasy RPG (84+ CE)
Description If you enjoy Pokemon or Earthbound, you'll probably enjoy this game. Play as four children who end up trapped in the Whirlpool Galaxy. Fight enemies and find materials to build a ship to take you back home to Earth. Features: *Detailed graphics and smooth-scrolling *Four playable characters, each with unique weapons *A full story with cutscenes *11 levels that take place on 8 different planets *70+ enemies, including several bosses ***** VERSION 1.3 includes cool, new colorful weapon effects, a helpful scanning computer and bug / dialogue fixes. ***
Author Rickie Malgren (malgrenerik@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 782,010 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jul 9 15:35:42 2022
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Tortilla Man
Reviewed on 2022-07-13
I have downloaded this game since it has colorful pixels and is more than just a text game.

Its Gameplay: 8/10

Because, when you fight all the stuff is squished into one screen and it is confusing what to use. I know there was a guide but I just wanted to make it more understandable.

graphics: 10/10

Beautiful for a Ti 84 plus ce calc

Speed: 7/10

Since it takes a while to get from one place to the other.

Memory: 8/10

This program takes a HUGE amount of space but it's understandable since it is a story and does have suitable pixels, just like other story games.

Controls: 9/10

Pretty easy to learn controls and there is a guide so you won't have to worry on how to play.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Elimination13/EliminaA13.8xv   45747
Elimination13/EliminaB13.8xv   64844
Elimination13/EliminaC13.8xv   43188
Elimination13/EliminaD13.8xv   23079
Elimination13/Elimination13.8xp   60860
Elimination13/GuideCE.pdf   727597

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