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Caterpillar Puzzles


Ranked as 38447 on our all-time top downloads list with 449 downloads.

Filename caterpillar.zip (Download)
Title Caterpillar Puzzles
Description This is a puzzle game where you are a caterpillar, inspired by the game Snakebird. In each level, you have to eat all of the fruit before making it to the goal. Each fruit makes you bigger, and because caterpillars cannot in fact phase through themselves, you have to be careful not to get stuck! Also, caterpillars are not immune to the force of gravity, so you will fall down if you aren't standing on something. Oh, and spikes. Did I mention the spikes? Yeah, those will kill you too if you're not careful. Although the earlier levels are somewhat easy, they get a LOT more difficult later on, providing you with plenty of playtime. There are 25 levels in total, and a level creator. If you create a cool level, send it to us and we could include it in the next game!
Author RoccoLox Programs (roccoloxprograms2018@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 5,863 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 26 16:32:53 2021
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
CATERPLR.8xp   9894
README.txt   5843

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