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Organizer CSE/CE


Ranked as 37666 on our all-time top downloads list with 757 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename organize.zip (Download)
Title Organizer CSE/CE
Description Inspired by Texas Instruments' TI-83 Plus Organizer, RoccoLox Programs gives you the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE Organizer (or Organizer CSE/CE)! Kind of similar to the Calendar and Task Sorter, but this program includes a lot more features. This program has four main sections to it: Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Find. The Contacts section will allow you to store a person's: name, phone number, e-mail, and address. The contacts will sort themselves in alphabetical order. The Calendar section will display a calendar for any month and year that you enter. The calendar will default to the month and year that is currently stored in the calculator. The Tasks section lets you enter in a: date, time, and a task to be completed. The tasks will sort themselves in order from the latest date to the earliest date. The Find section will have you enter in a: letter, number, or keyword, and the program will search through all of the tasks and contacts to see if it can find a match for what you entered into the search box. Please read the README document to see all of the controls and features in this program and, most importantly, please enjoy using this program.
Author RoccoLox Programs (roccoloxprograms2018@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 6,580 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 15 03:17:31 2021
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Bas van Haastregt
Reviewed on 2020-12-11
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

The Organizer is a very useful program to store some contacts and appointments. Especially during lessons, when the use of phones isn't allowed.

It also has a very nice interface and the calendar function is useful to see fast when a certain day is (or was).

I really recommend this program!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ORGANIZE.8xp   10728
README.txt   4782
Str1.8xs   836
Str2.8xs   1116

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