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Ranked as 38411 on our all-time top downloads list with 471 downloads.

Filename tish.zip (Download)
Title tish
Description Basic Unix-like shell (CLI) for the TI-92+ and Voyage 200 calculators running AMS. has the usual basic file management commands, mv, cp, arc, rm etc. and can run nostub, kernel and ppg binaries. Wrote it mostly as I find the AMS UI incredibly aggravating and I have my 92+ running Pedrom but my Voyage 200 running AMS. You should not expect much in the way of bells and whistles. GPL2 licensed. the shell uses less than 5K of RAM when calling external programs and the full set of shell+external binaries takes less than 20K of archive space.
Author Adam C (mog@kupo.be)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Shells
File Size 221,584 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 1 16:39:04 2020
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
calcsrc/arcsrc.9xt   1855
calcsrc/cpsrc.9xt   2734
calcsrc/helpsrc - Copy.9xt   3491
calcsrc/helpsrc.9xt   4474
calcsrc/lssrc.9xt   5159
calcsrc/mkdirsrc.9xt   1615
calcsrc/mvsrc.9xt   2287
calcsrc/rmdirsrc.9xt   1600
calcsrc/rmsrc.9xt   2049
calcsrc/tishsrc.9xt   10197
calcsrc/unarcsrc.9xt   1718
distbin/main.tish.v2z   5031
distbin/tish.arc.v2z   991
distbin/tish.cp.v2z   1485
distbin/tish.help.v2z   3231
distbin/tish.ls.v2z   2331
distbin/tish.mkdir.v2z   669
distbin/tish.mv.v2z   1343
distbin/tish.rm.v2z   1037
distbin/tish.rmdir.v2z   671
distbin/tish.ttstart.v2z   1587
distbin/tish.unarc.v2z   941
licence.txt   18429
readme.txt   2884
src/arc.c   1700
src/cp.c   2537
src/help.c   4234
src/ls.c   4859
src/mkdir.c   1472
src/mv.c   2110
src/rm.c   1882
src/rmdir.c   1458
src/tish.c   9651
src/unarc.c   1570
tict-ttstart/ttstart200.zip   162694
win tools/9xtToTxt.exe   6656
win tools/V2tToTxt.exe   6656

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