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Bees of New York


Ranked as 38299 on our all-time top downloads list with 539 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename beesnyt.zip (Download)
Title Bees of New York
Description How many words can you form from the hive of seven letters? Take on this simple but challenging word puzzle published by the New York Times and edited by Sam Ezersky. The program tracks your high score for each of the 26 hives, so return to harvest more points as your vocabulary grows.
Author Raghu Venkatesh (calcplays@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Puzzle/Word)
File Size 10,861 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Sep 30 20:27:17 2020
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
hives/aciprvy.89l   351
hives/adflmpu.89l   331
hives/adgnruv.89l   301
hives/adklmnr.89l   397
hives/aeghmop.89l   311
hives/bacdkry.89l   274
hives/caeghin.89l   536
hives/chmnotu.89l   359
hives/eachkny.89l   304
hives/icglorw.89l   276
hives/lairuxy.89l   329
hives/lbcipuy.89l   306
hives/lceghow.89l   367
hives/lcfiknu.89l   298
hives/mahnory.89l   444
hives/nacltvy.89l   304
hives/nbehitv.89l   398
hives/obdghuy.89l   313
hives/odhilnp.89l   429
hives/pegnoty.89l   368
hives/rabdijy.89l   316
hives/rbcikow.89l   295
hives/tbcekop.89l   276
hives/uacilnt.89l   380
hives/udghnot.89l   376
hives/ybelopt.89l   316
beesnyt.bees.89p   2777
readme.txt   3104

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