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Game of Life


Ranked as 37978 on our all-time top downloads list with 667 downloads.
Ranked as 4412 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename gamelife.zip (Download)
Title Game of Life
Description The Game of Life, in full screen and for only 178 bytes.
Author Zemmargorp (nathan.mesnard@laposte.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs
File Size 2,314 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 31 14:55:28 2020
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Xeda Elnara
Reviewed on 2020-03-24
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

I'm a simple person. I see an assembly implementation of Conway's Game Of Life, I download it and try it. But when I see that it is *only* 178 bytes on calc, then you my friend have really piqued my curiosity. My name may be Zeda, but I'll be frank with you: I did not believe that was possible. No freaking way. I double checked the author, too. Was it Iambian? Calc84? Runer112? Jacobly? NOPE.

If the author isn't one of the Z80 calculator deities, then it must be that they heavily relied on OS syscalls, right? That would be slow as *heck*. So, I tried it. It was smooth, it was fast, and it looked cool. I opened the source and I'll just say it: It's beautiful. It isn't perfect (as the author notes), but it is quite close.

This code is elegant, and the program is simple, to-the point, and looks cool (that's CGOL for you!).

This gets a 10/10 from me-- I am thoroughly impressed.

The only improvements I would ask for are: A way for the user to submit their own starting states, and 15MHz mode (cross compatible: in a,(2) \ add a,a \ sbc a,a \ out (20h),a).


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Archive Contents
Name Size
GAMELIFE.8xp   237
GAMELIFE.z80   2773
Readme.txt   1783

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