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Ace Recon CE


Ranked as 33265 on our all-time top downloads list with 1478 downloads.
Ranked as 3258 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename acereconce.zip (Download)
Title Ace Recon CE
Description Welcome to Ace Recon! Ace Recon is a game for the TI-84 Plus CE/TI-83 Premium CE that I have been working on for about three months now. It is written in C, and was started for Cemetech Contest 23, where it took second place overall. In this game, the player must sneak through floors of an office building, where each floor is more difficult than the last. Guards patrol these floors, and come in several different types, such as sniping guards and chasing guards. The game also includes a fully-fledged level editor with which anyone can create levels and play them in the game.
Author Mitchell Baker (3psiilon.5@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 39,873 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jan 27 16:33:10 2020
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon Editor/ACRCNEDT.8xp   6805
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon Editor/README.txt   465
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon/ACERECON.8xp   26910
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon/ACRCNDEF.8xv   4201
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon/ACRCNMMS.8xv   980
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon/ACRCNPLY.8xv   2086
AceReconCE1.0.2/Ace Recon/ACRCNSPR.8xv   4900
AceReconCE1.0.2/README.txt   10174

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