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Space Adventure 85


Ranked as 38410 on our all-time top downloads list with 469 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename spaceadventure85release.zip (Download)
Title Space Adventure 85
Description This was my entry for CC22. I hope you enjoy it. This is a little text-based adventure game for the TI-85 written in BASIC. It is fully customizable (see documentation). Feel free to PM me with comments or suggestions or if you find any bugs. Happy playing! :)
Author Roger Wilco (html10g7@gmail.com)
Category TI-85 BASIC Games
File Size 1,416,622 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 30 15:30:55 2019
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Space Adventure 85 Release/Documentation/Executables.txt   1623
Space Adventure 85 Release/Documentation/README.txt   1226
Space Adventure 85 Release/Documentation/Story Opener.txt   177
Space Adventure 85 Release/Documentation/Story Progression.txt   271
Space Adventure 85 Release/Documentation/Variables.txt   1894
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/BOSS1.85P   955
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/BOSS3.85P   992
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/CHAPT1.85P   2412
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/CHAPT2.85P   2653
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/CHAPT3.85P   1626
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/DEATH.85P   187
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/ENEMYTN.85P   273
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/EQUIP.85P   1285
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/EVENT1.85P   1203
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/EVENT3.85P   1202
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/PLAYERTN.85P   261
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/SAVE.85P   180
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/SPCADV85.85g   13206
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/SPCADV85.85P   81
Space Adventure 85 Release/Program/START.85P   637
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Dev Screenshots/Dev Screenshot 1.gif   64690
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Dev Screenshots/Messy Desktop.gif   272514
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Dev Screenshots/NotepadPP.gif   86092
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Dev Screenshots/Program Files.gif   46980
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Final Screenshots/About Screen.gif   1615
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Final Screenshots/Animated Demo.gif   266999
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Final Screenshots/Equipment Screen.gif   1405
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Final Screenshots/Start Screen.gif   1333
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Test Screenshots/Combat_Issue.gif   134887
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Test Screenshots/Equip.gif   316858
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Test Screenshots/Eventtst.gif   16101
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Test Screenshots/HP_issue.gif   372433
Space Adventure 85 Release/Screenshots/Test Screenshots/Start.gif   91981
Space Adventure 85 Release/Templates/BOSSn.txt   1006
Space Adventure 85 Release/Templates/CHAPTn.txt   2586
Space Adventure 85 Release/Templates/EVENTn.txt   2478

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