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File Manager - Version 4.88.2 Update File


Ranked as 37788 on our all-time top downloads list with 723 downloads.
Ranked as 24814 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename filemanager.zip (Download)
Title File Manager - Version 4.88.2 Update File
Description File Manager is special program for managing programs. In this program, you can archive, hide, lock, and run programs like a lot of other utilities. But this utility specifically is special in some ways. Manager can download the contents of programs or app variables, view the files inside any group file, prevent unlocking protected z80 assembly programs, parse for different program types (Any program, MirageOS, z80 assembly, and Ion), and converting programs to app variables and back to programs. THIS IS AN UPDATED VERSION from 4.87.5, so feel free to explore the new updates implemented in the program. To view what updates that were specifically installed, click the Files To Send/Ver 4.88.2/Updates.txt. This program is still compatible with the TI-83+/SE, but NOT recommended with the original TI-83. Please leave me a review and rate my file to help improve this program in the future! This program works on older operating systems, but has a catch. On the 84+/SE, the OS MUST be upgraded from 2.20 or later, 0.46 WILL NOT work. On the 83+/SE, the OS MUST be upgraded from 1.13 or later, 1.10 WILL NOT work. New GIFs will be uploaded soon. (Sorry for not updating it here.) Please visit http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/archive:file-manager for things.
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/System)
File Size 5,825,285 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 14 17:40:51 2019
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/8xp_bin/AINSTALL.8xp   110
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/_ASMBL2.BAT   236
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/AINSTALL.ASM   567
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/AINSTALL/AInsRead.txt   1694
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/_SPRITE2.z80   395
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/__STD.z80   34218
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/FILEBACK/info.txt   350
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/Tokens.txt   21677
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/ExecHEX.txt   2895
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/ErrCodes.txt   1701
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/DevMan.txt   4667
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/ShrtRDME.TXT   4058
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/MOREINFO/FunStuff.txt   3258
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_UFN.z80   836
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/CELTIC3.asm   12808
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_UTL.z80   41961
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_XFN.z80   45162
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_PFN.z80   28352
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/ReadME.txt   91418
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/CELTIC3.8xk   36718
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_CFN.z80   38148
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_HKH.z80   14148
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/_STD.z80   25076
filemanager/Files to send/Celtic III/__mCIII.bat   46
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BATTERY.8Xp   991
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/STARTUP.8Xo   1031
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/GROUP.8Xo   4110
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/About.txt   972
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/UNSQUISH.8Xo   1283
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/SPAM.8Xo   905
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BATTERY.8Xo   1068
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/LIST.8Xo   2710
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/Read Me.txt   3237
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BASICOS.8xp   7935
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BasicOS 7.3 Example.gif   1473637
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BASICOS.8xg   8063
filemanager/Files to send/Other files/Celtic 3.8xk   36720
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 3.81/MANAGER.8xp   4187
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 3.81/MANAGER.8xg   4321
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.82.3/MANAGER.8xp   6713
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.82.3/MANAGER.8xg   6847
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 83+ 1.19.gif   512773
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 84+ 2.55MP.gif   573482
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 84+ 2.40.gif   305718
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/MANAGER.8xp   7347
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/MANAGER.8xg   7481
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.85.9/New Updates.txt   1659
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.85.9/MANAGER.8Xp   8861
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/MANAGER.8Xo   7846
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/New Updates.txt   1012
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/MANAGER.8Xp   7712
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/MANAGER.8xp   7160
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/New Updates.txt   974
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/Manager2.gif   850368
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/Manager.gif   1866894
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.88.2/MANAGER.8Xp   6859
filemanager/Files to send/Ver 4.88.2/Updates.txt   1729
filemanager/Screenshots/image3.gif   305718
filemanager/Screenshots/image1.gif   512773
filemanager/Screenshots/image2.gif   573482
filemanager/Screenshots/4.png   2727
filemanager/Screenshots/2.png   2039
filemanager/Screenshots/1.png   2250
filemanager/Screenshots/Example 1.gif   684237
filemanager/Screenshots/5.png   1875
filemanager/Screenshots/3.png   1838
filemanager/Screenshots/6.png   708
filemanager/Text Files/Updated Source Code.txt   19862
filemanager/Text Files/Source Code.txt   11190
filemanager/Text Files/About.txt   140
filemanager/Text Files/Read Me First.txt   4367

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