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The KTaNE Expert Program


Ranked as 38261 on our all-time top downloads list with 548 downloads.
Ranked as 4610 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename ktane.zip (Download)
Title The KTaNE Expert Program
Description Made for the game "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes". My goal was to create a program that could solve a module faster than what could be done practically between a defuser and an expert. Most of these modules are not interactive, so the calculator does all the 'heavy lifting' for the defuser. Some modules, such as "Keypad" and "Emoji Math" are so visual, that I think it would be impractical to try and communicate the pictures to a machine that works in text and equations. However, the calculator does excel at modules like "The Gamepad" or "Skewed Slots," which have longer manuals to read and are tedious to solve as an expert.
Author Tyler Lee (tylerblee9@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 6,383 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 16 17:52:40 2018
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
KTaNE/KTANE.8xp   13927
KTaNE/Readme.rtf   1770

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