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The Old Quirb Stuff Qollection


Ranked as 38622 on our all-time top downloads list with 260 downloads.
Ranked as 32739 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename theoldquirbstuffqollectio.zip (Download)
Title The Old Quirb Stuff Qollection
Description (from readme.txt) This is The Old Quirb Stuff Qollection, a collection of things from about early 2016, maybe a bit earlier, maybe a bit later. This includes: -DankQuiz, a very old meme-infested quiz game that was hard to control. -Ralli, a racing game that never got past the graphics stage -herro, featuring a haha funny twist of the My Name Jeff meme. -imgtest, a test which I don't even think works, to test an image, wihch is sans.png. As you can tell, it's a bit of a time capsule of an 8th grader in 2016 making things they thought were funny. Which would be me. This is everything I've made and probably will make for this system, and I hope you can get a bit of fun out of it! -Quirby64 @quirby64 on Twitter (there's my plug, I guess. xd) \.o./
Author Nicolas DiBisceglie (quirby001@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Misc./Amusements, Toys)
File Size 13,985 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 3 22:35:14 2018
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
DANKQUIZ/dankquiz.dankquiz.89p   763
DANKQUIZ/dankquiz.ts.89i   1635
main.dankquiz.89p   680
main.herro.89p   138
main.imgtest.89p   133
main.ralli.89p   104
main.sans.89i   2095
RALLI.GIF   2241
RALLI/ralli.car1.89i   167
RALLI/ralli.car2.89i   167
RALLI/ralli.car3.89i   137
RALLI/ralli.car4.89i   115
RALLI/ralli.cp1.89i   1635
RALLI/ralli.s1.89i   1635
RALLI/ralli.s2.89i   1635
RALLI/ralli.ts.89i   1635
readme.txt   753

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