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Ranked as 37277 on our all-time top downloads list with 858 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename nkenken.zip (Download)
Title nKenKen
Description A puzzle game where you solve levels by having each row and each column with the values 1 to the dimension of the board. No duplicates in each row and column as well as satisfy the mathematical operation using the cells it contains with the operation specified. Comes with 250 levels and supports external levels as well. Requires ndless 3.1 or higher.
Author A.J. Orians (ajorians@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Games
File Size 1,864,464 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 10 20:50:10 2018
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
nKenKen/README.txt   1604
nKenKen/nKenKen1.gif   58963
nKenKen/nKenKen-sdl.prg.tns   651672
nKenKen/ExampleLevel.ken.tns   108
nKenKen/nKenKen.sln   2175
nKenKen/nKenKen4.gif   4393
nKenKen/nKenKen3.gif   2977
nKenKen/nKenKen2.gif   3339
nKenKen/src/MenuGraphic.h   612293
nKenKen/src/Background.c   1907
nKenKen/src/KenKen.xcf   445579
nKenKen/src/MainMenu.c   7358
nKenKen/src/Game.o   13576
nKenKen/src/Startup.o   1576
nKenKen/src/main.o   3348
nKenKen/src/Replacements.o   1060
nKenKen/src/Options.o   3292
nKenKen/src/Levels.o   36776
nKenKen/src/Background.o   1608
nKenKen/src/EquationHinter.o   5004
nKenKen/src/Help.o   2216
nKenKen/src/Selector.o   1808
nKenKen/src/MainMenu.o   157644
nKenKen/src/Config.o   2896
nKenKen/src/Font.o   940
nKenKen/src/Metrics.o   1560
nKenKen/src/StarDrawer.o   1880
nKenKen/src/Piece.o   3316
nKenKen/src/nKenKen.vcxproj.filters   3934
nKenKen/src/nKenKen.vcxproj   9061
nKenKen/src/main.c   3785
nKenKen/src/arial.ttf   915212
nKenKen/src/YouWinGraphic.h   35165
nKenKen/src/Startup.h   108
nKenKen/src/Startup.c   1126
nKenKen/src/StarGraphic.h   2047
nKenKen/src/StarDrawer.h   346
nKenKen/src/StarDrawer.c   830
nKenKen/src/Selector.h   818
nKenKen/src/Selector.c   2576
nKenKen/src/Replacements.h   329
nKenKen/src/Replacements.c   650
nKenKen/src/Piece.h   575
nKenKen/src/Piece.c   4814
nKenKen/src/Options.h   516
nKenKen/src/Options.c   4799
nKenKen/src/Metrics.h   897
nKenKen/src/Metrics.c   2165
nKenKen/src/Makefile   1000
nKenKen/src/Game.c   6872
nKenKen/src/MainMenu.h   995
nKenKen/src/Levels.h   31868
nKenKen/src/Levels.c   4587
nKenKen/src/Help.h   388
nKenKen/src/Help.c   2275
nKenKen/src/Game.h   878
nKenKen/src/Font.h   465
nKenKen/src/Font.c   952
nKenKen/src/EquationHinter.h   1312
nKenKen/src/EquationHinter.c   11095
nKenKen/src/Config.h   790
nKenKen/src/Config.c   4006
nKenKen/src/Background.h   676
nKenKen/src/KenKen.png   158969
nKenKen/src/lib/libArchive.a   13002
nKenKen/src/lib/libKenKen.a   7902
nKenKen/src/Tests/TestKenKenLib.prg.tns   113900
nKenKen/src/Tests/TestKenKenLib.tns   113268
nKenKen/src/Tests/TestKenKenLib.elf   232100
nKenKen/src/Tests/TestKenKenLib.o   3572
nKenKen/src/Tests/Tests.o   1316
nKenKen/src/Tests/Tests.h   58
nKenKen/src/Tests/Tests.c   1267
nKenKen/src/Tests/TestKenKenLib.c   2818
nKenKen/src/Tests/Makefile   825
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/KenKenLib.c   18511
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/Makefile   1117
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/KenKenLib.vcxproj.filters   1408
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/KenKenLib.vcxproj   6270
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/KenKenLib.o   6472
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/Defines.h   273
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/Defines.c   63
nKenKen/src/KenKenLib/Defines.o   672
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveEntry.c   5371
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveLib.o   4948
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveEntry.o   2744
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveTable.o   2884
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/Defines.o   1136
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/Makefile   1176
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/Defines.h   609
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/Defines.c   763
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveTable.h   1193
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveTable.c   4642
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveLib.c   11327
nKenKen/src/ArchiveLib/ArchiveEntry.h   822
nKenKen/src/include/KenKenLib/KenKenLib.h   2024
nKenKen/src/include/ArchiveLib/ArchiveLib.h   2217

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