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Switch Operator [CC17]


Ranked as 27773 on our all-time top downloads list with 2117 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename switchoperator.zip (Download)
Title Switch Operator [CC17]
Description This is a reaction based game, where you have to react quickly enough to let trains through switches. As you let trains through, the speed escalates and you start needed to let more than 1 train through at a time. You can also play a campaign mode. The campaign mode features a currency, upgrades, and more! And even in addition to campaign mode, you can now play Bullet mode! Bullet mode is an extension of Endless, but much, much faster. It is only for those of superb reflexes. Download the game now and test your reflexes against the trains! This game requires the C libraries, and Cesium is recommended. Info on how to play is in the readme.
Author Unicorn (unicorncalcs@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 95,373 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Oct 5 18:14:19 2016
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SwitchOperator/SWITCHOP.8xp   18691
SwitchOperator/readme.txt   3404
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Explosion.png   56305
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Grass.c   496
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Grass.png   252
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Orginals/Grass.png   252
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Orginals/Train.png   4868
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Orginals/TrainTracks.png   1188
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Train.c   21219
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/Train.png   4865
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/TrainTracks.c   649
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/TrainTracks.png   231
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/convpng.ini   312
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/convpng.log   627
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/sprites.c   10662
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/sprites.h   311
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/spritesUncompressed.c   10686
SwitchOperator/src/gfx/spritesUncompressed.h   326
SwitchOperator/src/main.c   27916

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