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GalagACE v1.1 (2016)


Ranked as 9902 on our all-time top downloads list with 4809 downloads.
Ranked as 2116 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename galagace.zip (Download)
Title GalagACE v1.1 (2016)
Description I know that James Vernon and Patrick Davidson already made much better TI-84 Plus CE shoot-em-ups in ASM (Spaze Invaders and Calcuzap), but for a long while I wanted to jump in the 2D space shooter bandwagon and decided to make one written in hybrid TI-BASIC: GalagACE. Basically, this game is a remake of the crappy Space Invaders clone I made in early 2002, which could be found in Omnimaga Pack 25 games in 1. I decided to rename it to GalagACE, which is a play with the words Galaga, Ace and CE. I am now using sprites rather than the home screen. This remake now has 18 stages, new scoring system, allows you to shoot three bullets at once and new graphics. Requires Sprites 3.3 library by grosged.
Author Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 4,137 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 8 23:50:12 2024
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
GALAGACE.8xp   5201
readme.txt   3814

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