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Ranked as 10181 on our all-time top downloads list with 4732 downloads.
Ranked as 2235 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename 2048_91.zip (Download)
Title 2048
Description 2048 has been one of the top games in archives, but they have always felt something missing. They just didn't have the flair that I had expected when I downloaded them. Instead, I made my own :P. Has perfect grayscale and runs fast. Can move before the animation is finished for you speedy minds. Press 2nd to undo and arrows to control. Has a few implements that I did not do and just dont feel like doing, as well as a few calculator crashing bugs that aren't a huge problem. Compiled with Axe Parser. Source included.
Author Haobo (haobozhang9081@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 24,180 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 2 23:15:04 2015
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
2048/Exec/Z2048 (Axe Fusion).8xp   5077
2048/Exec/Z2048 (Doors CS).8xp   6171
2048/Exec/Z2048 (Ion).8xp   6130
2048/Exec/Z2048 (Mirage OS).8xp   6159
2048/Exec/Z2048 (No shell).8xp   6107
2048/readme.txt   1340
2048/Source/GRAYLIB.8xp   4834
2048/Source/theta2048.8xp   2895
2048/Source/Y2048.8xp   1478

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