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The Legend of Zelda: Simple Quest


Ranked as 19796 on our all-time top downloads list with 2964 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename acompletezelda.zip (Download)
Title The Legend of Zelda: Simple Quest
Description As of 3-1-15, this is the first and only complete version of zelda for the Ti-89 that you can play from beginning to end, which is fully functional. This is not a copy of an already created zelda, but a new one, in which, you get to explore a whole new world and dungeons. In addition to that, there is an alternate ending programmed in. This is no beta. It something, which has been worked on for 3.5 years. Basic game guide included. Now Includes a new version of the crystal engine, which has many improvements and is faster.
Author kyle ingalsbe (kyle_ingalsbe@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Role-playing)
File Size 601,550 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Nov 16 23:07:19 2015
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
acompletezelda/changelog.txt   8086
acompletezelda/game/game_engine.89g   98575
acompletezelda/install/install_1.89g   25223
acompletezelda/install/install_2.89g   54035
acompletezelda/readme.txt   8720
acompletezelda/zelda_guide.pdf   433830
acompletezelda/v 0.9.3/engine v0.9.3.89g   96196
acompletezelda/v 0.9.3/patches.89g   41917
acompletezelda/v 0.9.3/changelog.txt   10419
acompletezelda/v 0.9.3/readme.txt   5211

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