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Slope Field v1.3: You'll Like it Better


Ranked as 7580 on our all-time top downloads list with 5657 downloads.

Filename slopefield_83p.zip (Download)
Title Slope Field v1.3: You'll Like it Better
Description You'll like it better or my name isn't Mason Peterson! This is the best slope field program out there, simply stated. This program graphs the slope field of a derivative, a technique used in calculus for many purposes. It asks for dy/dx (the derivative) and it graphs a line segment at a specified number of points, each having the slope as denoted by the derivative. This technique is most useful when trying to integrate a non-integrable function or when integrating a derivative in terms of y or y and x. In addition this version contains Euler's method (!) another extremely useful calculus technique. It will numerically integrate a derivative with negligible error if the change in x (delta-x) is small enough. Slope Field v1.3 is extremely user friendly and has many options so that you are able to get the desired graph/function. PLEASE USE RESPONSIBLY!!!
Author Mason Peterson (emperor.mazonianac@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 12,578 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jan 26 16:54:06 2015
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
slopefield_83p/Main Menu.GIF   2547
slopefield_83p/README.txt   3707
slopefield_83p/Slope field with Euler's method in use.GIF   2392
slopefield_83p/Slope field.GIF   2244
slopefield_83p/SLOPEFL3.8xp   2268
slopefield_83p/y-sinx.GIF   2390

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