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Ranked as 3192 on our all-time top downloads list with 8766 downloads.
Ranked as 1416 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 16 downloads.

Filename helicopter.zip (Download)
Title Helicopter
Description In my first game ever in axe parser, I have re-created the simple helicopter game In MirageOS, DoorsCS, Ion, no shell, and in Flash. Similar to Flappy Bird, it is a game where you fly a helicopter and try to avoid hitting walls.
Author Erix (deeboderic@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 6,498 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 12 02:12:03 2014
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


Review by  unanimous dude
Reviewed on 2022-09-01
This game is overall subpar. It's flappy bird Esq. where you have to travel from left to right avoiding pipes. The difference is that this has smooth acceleration up and down the screen. There are no bugs, however, and there are a lot of options for how you want to launch it. Overall 3/5


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Helicopter/Helicopter_App.8xk   1491
Helicopter/Helicopter_DoorsCS.8xp   1323
Helicopter/Helicopter_Ion.8xp   1282
Helicopter/Helicopter_MirageOS.8xp   1311
Helicopter/Helicopter_No_Shell.8xp   1274
Helicopter/readme.rtf   597

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