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Newton OS


Ranked as 38006 on our all-time top downloads list with 655 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename newton_os.zip (Download)
Title Newton OS
Description Newton OS was created as a memory conservation program, but then I decided to add it to ticalc for everyone else to use, too. It has a clock, battery checker, fancy loading screens, can change settings within the calc, can garbage collect, and of course allows for more usage of the limited RAM! Be sure to read the readme for important Newton OS information, otherwise it will be difficult to understand. (Once again, I created for myself, so the world didn't need to understand) ;) Make sure you have plenty of RAM before downloading, as this comes with many programs and Newton OS itself actually uses lots of RAM, but you can write virtually infinitely many more programs with it. (It saves programs to archive, so you can write whatever fits in the archive.)
Authors Collin Machine ()
Samuel Newton (samnewtonsir@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 21,303 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 20 20:30:47 2014
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ZINPUT.8xp   301
A.8xp   85
AATEST.8xp   306
APRGM.8xp   171
ARCHIVE.8xp   429
ARCHIVE2.8xp   559
AREATRI.8xp   215
B.8xp   83
BATTERY.8xp   145
CALC.8xp   120
CLOCK.8xp   464
COMPLXAV.8xp   297
CSQUARE.8xp   632
CTOF.8xp   345
DEGTORAD.8xp   743
DISTANCE.8xp   258
DISTCONV.8xp   1366
GARBAGE.8xp   85
GK.8xp   92
IAMBORED.8xp   476
IMBORED.8xp   164
KEYCODES.8xp   206
LAWOFTRG.8xp   1551
LINE.8xp   1104
MIDPOINT.8xp   253
MODESWCH.8xp   94
NEWTON.8xp   246
NEWTONOS.8xp   218
NOSV1.8xp   1297
PROGRAMS.8xp   1789
PYTHAG.8xp   808
RIEMANN1.8xp   1575
SECTOR.8xp   492
SETSTART.8xp   167
SETTINGS.8xp   1095
SIMPSONS.8xp   335
SLOPE.8xp   308
STPDMATH.8xp   638
STRTBTRY.8xp   257
STRTCLCK.8xp   115
TRAP.8xp   836
UNLOCK.8xp   845
Y.8xp   244
Pic4.8xi   832
Pic5.8xi   832
Pic6.8xi   832
Pic1.8xi   832
Pic2.8xi   832
Pic3.8xi   832
Str0.8xs   94
Newton OS.txt   6049

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