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Flappy Bird sideways updated


Ranked as 9091 on our all-time top downloads list with 5086 downloads.
Ranked as 2116 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename flappybirdz80byseppebruyl.zip (Download)
Title Flappy Bird sideways updated
Description some new features like exponential gravity and actual flying instead of teleporting. Enjoy
Author Seppe Bruyland (seppe.bruyland@scarlet.be)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 7,762 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 29 22:27:43 2014
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Alex Gr.
Reviewed on 2014-03-18
Great Job, it's a good port of Flappy birds on the TI-84 Plus.

It's very hard as the original (my Highscore is 2).

The files are a bit confusing, I had to try a lot until i got the right files on my calc and was able to run the Game.

I think its a great game for your calc, but it looks a bit strange when you have your calc sideways in math class.

Also the bird fly up a bit to far up for me.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
t/Flappy Bird z80 by Seppe Bruyland /Flappy bird MirageOS.8xp   4630
t/Flappy Bird z80 by Seppe Bruyland /Flappy Bird No Shell.8xp   4582
t/Flappy Bird z80 by Seppe Bruyland /README(or just ####### start playing).rtf   695
t/Flappy Bird z80 by Seppe Bruyland /Source.8xp   3249

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