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Flappy Bird Color


Ranked as 24 on our all-time top downloads list with 180891 downloads.
Ranked as 795 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 16 downloads.

Filename basicflappybird.zip (Download)
Title Flappy Bird Color
Description This game is an homage to (some might say port of) the popular smartphone game named "Flappy Bird", which through a combination of addicting frustration and word-of-mouth has achieved great notoriety. You pilot a bird through a narrow tunnel of Mario warp pipe-like obstacles, telling the bird when to fly upwards and when to fall with gravity. Although the concept is simple, playing the game is table-poundingly annoying. While I tried to make this game equally frustrating to pay tribute to its inspiration, please don't smash or damage your calculator, as there are plenty of less frustrating things you could be using your calculator for. Requires Doors CSE 8.0 or higher. See the Readme for more information and disclaimers.
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 4,049 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 15 23:13:26 2014
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  João Pinto
Reviewed on 2014-02-21
The original game is addicting: this version is "kinda" different, but still very acceptable. To start with, the size of the game, it's big, as you would expect. The game itself isn't bad, the frames are a bit apart from each other, but I can live with that. Props to the dev, great job :D

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Archive Contents
Name Size
FLAPBIRD.8xp   3023
FLAPSPRT.8xv   8275
readme.txt   2113

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