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Minecraft 2D


Ranked as 82 on our all-time top downloads list with 85332 downloads.
Ranked as 36 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 46 downloads.
Ranked as 129 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.53.

Filename minecraft2d.zip (Download)
Title Minecraft 2D
Description v0.13 Jens' Minecraft 2D is a 2D version of the famous sandbox game Minecraft for the TI-Nspire. It features: randomly generated world, caves, ores, lakes, trees, flowers and dungeons; day/night cycle; survival/creative Mode; mobs; water and lava; TNT; fire; bow and arrows; farming; inventory; tools; fishing; furnaces, chests, doors, beds, buckets and stairs; crafting (without crafting grid); 5 savegame slots; 2 graphic modes; world import/export with the included World Container file; modloader and modmanager! The ocdpack mod is included. It is designed for the CX model but it supports grayscale, clickpad and every OS. It is still under development but every uploaded update is stable and I'll try to keep exported worlds compatible! Read the read me.txt! For development updates see: http://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-projects/minecraft-2d-for-ti-nspire
Author Jens Kolbinger (jens.software@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Lua Games
File Size 101,469 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 25 19:40:32 2014
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Caleb B
Reviewed on 2022-12-22
Amazing game!

However, I find the controls very hard to play. I have a CX II, which has a touchpad. The only way to move is to use the arrow keys, which is on the touchpad. While trying to move, it just selects blocks.

Also, I can't load worlds. I am met with an error stating, "There was an error while loading Error in line: 2341, Your input seems to be completely incompatible."


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Jens' Minecraft 2D 0.13.tns   89633
MC2D World Container.tns   4153
read me.txt   4900
ocdpack.tns   5803

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