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Ranked as 224 on our all-time top downloads list with 42089 downloads.
Ranked as 2226 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename pacman.zip (Download)
Title PacMan
Description PacMan v1.3 is a flash app for the TI84+C calculator. Send PacMan.8ck to your calculator using TI Connect and run it by pressing [APPS] and selecting PacMan. Use the arrow keys to control the direction of PacMan, press On to exit the app, and press F1 to pause the game. You start off with 3 lives to see how many points you can collect. You can get a bonus life at 10,000 points.
Author ~AssemblyBandit~ (briandm82@briandm82.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Flash Games
File Size 23,911 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Nov 11 01:06:19 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Alex Litzau
Reviewed on 2013-11-19
Wow! Nice work with this game! This is a very accurate port of the original.

A few good things:

- Very well-polished. This is one of my main criteria when deciding whether a program is a "keeper".

- If you're moving along and you press and release the key to turn before you reach the turn, the game remembers the key press and turns automatically when you reach the turn. I like this functionality.

A few minor flaws:

- The Pac-Man and ghost graphics are a little flickery.

- It's a little too easy. I didn't notice the levels getting any harder, as they do in the original game.

- Pac-Man has to be centered over dots to eat them. If only the front of Pac-Man's mouth is over a dot (and you turn around, for instance), it will not get eaten, which is a little deceptive. I'd recommend extending Pac-Man's dot-eating range.

Overall, I'd give this game 10/10. Keep up the good work AssemblyBandit!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PacMan.8ck   77472
Info.txt   943

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