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[Axe] Picraft 2 v0.3.5 Alpha


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Ranked as 3258 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename axepicraft2.zip (Download)
Title [Axe] Picraft 2 v0.3.5 Alpha
Description Note: Only download this update if your ok with falling through blocks. *WHATS NEW* -re-added dirt -added snow -added ore -added ladders -the game now displays the name of the block when you place it -added autosave -added a health bar. Picraft 2 is a sequel to Picraft adding many more features including: building & destroying, beautiful graphics(for a calculator), many block types, physics, autosave, jetpacks, almost all of the original Picraft's features and more. Description: Picraft 2 is a minecraft-like game where you build things with blocks. Picraft 2, is a great game to show your friends or to simply pass time in class. The game is still by far a work in progress, so expect great things to come. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to help with development feel free to email me at "andreymarquart@yahoo.com"
Author Andrey Marquart (andreymarquart@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 3,787 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 18 01:40:06 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PICRAFT .8xk   7500
PICRAFTS.8xp   2338
README.txt.txt   123

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