[Axe] Picraft 2 v2.1 Alpha
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axepicraftv2.1alpha.zip (Download)
[Axe] Picraft 2 v2.1 Alpha
*WHATS NEW*-fixed bug V2.0 -added a whole new way of building/destroying -added various new blocks to build with -replaced the world generation to flat for increased build room -added the ability to 'shift the world' in any desired direction via the [+],[-],[*],[/] buttons -added some greyscale. Picraft 2 is a sequel to Picraft adding many more features including: building & destroying, beautiful graphics(for a calculator), multiple block types, almost all of the original Picraft's features and more. Description: Picraft 2 is a minecraft-like game where you build things with blocks. Picraft 2, although it is not in 3D has a texture pack very similar to that of minecraft's, giving it a familiar feeling. Picraft 2 is still by far a work in progress, so expect great things to come. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to help with development feel free to email me at "andreymarquart@yahoo.com" IMPORTANT:The controls are very different from 1.0 so I would advise you to mess around with the keyboard in order to get used to the new control scheme.
Andrey Marquart (andreymarquart@yahoo.com)
TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size
2,067 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Jun 2 21:27:51 2013
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Odd Tad
Reviewed on
Although I'm sure this would be a great game, it has a bad signature error and it doesn't come with source code so I cant see the code or assemble the program on calc. Also, he said he would be adding new features, I understand there is life but he said he would... that was in 2013.
The first one was pretty great, but I can't test this one.
this summarizes my emotions: )'; , and D:. |
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