Polynomial Arithmetic Utility
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polynomialdivisionutility.zip (Download)
Polynomial Arithmetic Utility
This program is for the average high school or college student who wants a simpler way to do math with polynomials. Note: this program does not substitute for an actual knowledge of the topic. This program does not show work. Anyone who wishes for this program to show work may go to http://ac.clrhome.org and contact me via the "Contact" page. Anyone visiting this page is granted an unlimited license to download, use, and distribute this software, so long as you do not edit the source code. This program utilizes a simple algorithm that works on most simple polynomials. It can theoretically handle division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction of polynomials with an infinite number of terms, although I urge users not to test that. The program will request you to input the terms of the two operands, in descending order of exponents. A term with no coefficient must be entered as 1 and a missing term must be entered as 0. As of Version 3.1, this program supports fractions in the numerator, denominator, and quotient. Speed-wise, this program is extremely fast. Although it is the fastest with addition and subtraction, it is surprisingly fast with division. It takes longer to do multiplication. A few fun facts, speedwise. On my TI-84+ SE, running OS 2.43, I performed the following speed tests: For Multiplication: A 19-term times a 19-term: completed in 3.35 seconds. A 37-term times a 37-term: completed in 7.52 seconds. A 73-term times a 73-term: completed in 16.94 seconds. For Division: A 73-term by a 37 term: completed in 7.39 seconds. A 37-term by a 19 term: completed in 3.21 seconds. A 19-term by a 9 term: completed in 1.88 seconds.
Anthony Cagliano (acagliano97@gmail.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size
77,403 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Dec 3 21:36:32 2012
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Archive Contents
polynomial division utility v5.3/POLYMATH.8Xp | 2697 |
polynomial division utility v5.3/Documentation.pdf | 81230 |