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Ultimate Pi Package


Ranked as 37270 on our all-time top downloads list with 836 downloads.

Filename ultimatepipackage.zip (Download)
Title Ultimate Pi Package
Description Hunting Pi Game, a game where you move around and have to collect the digits of pi in order , good practice for learning pi. (First ten digits, ten levels) Hunting Pi Game 2 (extension), the next ten digits of Hunting Pi (five levels) My Pi Application, it includes a quiz on the first 25 digits of pi, has several hundred digits of pi stored for you to view, and an explanation of pi and formulas it is used in. Pi Quiz 2 (extension), it extends the quiz in my pi app to 50 digits.
Author Michael Conard (specialpieman66@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Geometry)
File Size 5,970 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 13 19:09:54 2012
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Ultimate Pi Package/PIAPP.8xp   3348
Ultimate Pi Package/PIHUNT.8xp   8162
Ultimate Pi Package/PIHUNT2.8xp   3948
Ultimate Pi Package/PIQUIZ2.8xp   1469
Ultimate Pi Package/README.txt   1285

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