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A+ Calc (FIXED)


Ranked as 1149 on our all-time top downloads list with 15532 downloads.
Ranked as 1398 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 15 downloads.

Filename improvedacalcapplication.zip (Download)
Title A+ Calc (FIXED)
Description This is the same great A+ Calc application that is so popular on ticalc for helping students in their Calculus classes. The application offers the exact same functionality as the original, but has been fixed so that certain functions, namely the Taylor function, can be run without the theta_w_theta programs loaded in the user's RAM. Thus, this app should be free of this bug, allowing it to be run without any basic programs loaded and unarchived on the calculator, making it entirely portable. I thank the original author of the program, Chip Hurst. ORIGINAL FILE DESCRIPTION FOR CHIP'S UPLOAD: This is a must download. This program has over 60 functions, including: trig functions, expression simplification, limits, derivatives of functions, implict differentiation, tangent finder, function explorer, all roots to an equation, RAM, 1st fundamental theorem of calculus, trapazoidal/simpson's rule, average value theorem, slope field, euler's method, improved euler's method, runge kutta method, area between two curves, rotational volume/surface area, arc length, hyperbolic functions, partial fractions, taylor series, parametric functions, polar functions, and many more! As an added bonus, all answers are in exact form. Also this basic program was compiled into an application! (thanks to Martin Warmer's BasicBuilder App Creator).
Authors Chip Hurst (chipcalc@gmail.com)
Leo N/A (inferior321@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 45,410 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 3 20:07:57 2012
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Improved A+ Calc Application/Application Format/A+ Calc.8xk   25788
Improved A+ Calc Application/Application Format/source file/A+ Calc.hex   29999
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/ACALC1.8xp   6133
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/ACALC2.8xp   8651
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/Pic0.8xi   832
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/Pic7.8xi   832
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/Pic8.8xi   832
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/Pic9.8xi   832
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/READ ME.txt   496
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/RUNME.8xp   178
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA1.8xp   154
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA2.8xp   225
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA3.8xp   575
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA4.8xp   502
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA5.8xp   213
Improved A+ Calc Application/Basic Format/THETA6.8xp   300
Improved A+ Calc Application/Old Original ReadMe File.txt   1571
Improved A+ Calc Application/READ ME (IMPORTANT).txt   2848

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